Kosta Kondaurov https://www.kondaurov.me/author/kosta/ PowerShell, Office 365, Azure and automation Sun, 16 Feb 2025 12:34:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://www.kondaurov.me/wp-content/uploads/ms-icon-310x310-150x150.png Kosta Kondaurov https://www.kondaurov.me/author/kosta/ 32 32 How to run the same action for multiple repositories in Azure Dev Ops using pipeline https://www.kondaurov.me/2024/azure-devops-yaml-pipeline-job-multiple-repositories/ https://www.kondaurov.me/2024/azure-devops-yaml-pipeline-job-multiple-repositories/#respond Wed, 30 Oct 2024 13:38:38 +0000 https://www.kondaurov.me/?p=928 Sometimes there is a need for a Dev Ops to run the same activity for a bunch of repositories. You can always have a script to go through folders (repos) but checkout them manually is not a pleasant job. Moreover, it may need some tasks to be done with a pipeline plugin, …

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IT dad jokes https://www.kondaurov.me/2024/it-dad-jokes/ https://www.kondaurov.me/2024/it-dad-jokes/#respond Fri, 26 Jul 2024 05:32:33 +0000 https://www.kondaurov.me/?p=904 I love dad jokes and I love computers too. I am sure we can enjoy both. Here you can find a collection of my favourite dad jokes about computers and IT people. When does a joke become a dad joke? .. When the punchline becomes apparent. IT jokes Why restaurants do not …

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Enable diagnostic settings for Azure Storage to export logs to Log Analytics Workspace using Terraform https://www.kondaurov.me/2024/enable-diagnostic-settings-for-azure-storage-logs-export-using-terraform/ https://www.kondaurov.me/2024/enable-diagnostic-settings-for-azure-storage-logs-export-using-terraform/#respond Mon, 24 Jun 2024 15:30:08 +0000 https://www.kondaurov.me/?p=876 I haven’t work with the Terraform for a while and didn’t know about recent updates in Azure API released at the end of 2023. If you are like me, in short, this update allows you configure settings for Azure Storage sub-services separately. Private Endpoints, retention settings and diagnostic settings have to be …

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Unlock Terraform state on Azure storage https://www.kondaurov.me/2022/unlock-terraform-state-on-azure-storage/ https://www.kondaurov.me/2022/unlock-terraform-state-on-azure-storage/#respond Fri, 11 Feb 2022 14:33:05 +0000 https://www.kondaurov.me/?p=660 I’ve been in an awkward situation once, when I was provisioning Azure resources using Terraform via Azure DevOps pipeline. Pipeline stuck with the provisioning and I cancelled the apply step. The state file got locked. As it is stored on Azure Blob Storage in a dedicated container and only the Service Principal …

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Provision Azure Traffic Manager with Terraform https://www.kondaurov.me/2021/provision-azure-traffic-manager-with-terraform/ https://www.kondaurov.me/2021/provision-azure-traffic-manager-with-terraform/#respond Sat, 09 Oct 2021 12:22:29 +0000 https://www.kondaurov.me/?p=410 These days Terraform is the infrastructure as a code standard (IaC). Terraform can be used with various platforms, while I am writing about Azure here. One can provision almost any resource in Azure by Terraform. Terraform is a great tool for a resource provisioning automation and a cornerstone for DevOps. HashiCorp develops …

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Add Windows local users and admins by PowerShell https://www.kondaurov.me/2021/add-windows-local-users-and-admins-by-powershell/ https://www.kondaurov.me/2021/add-windows-local-users-and-admins-by-powershell/#respond Fri, 16 Jul 2021 10:07:48 +0000 https://www.kondaurov.me/?p=396 Once I got a task to create Windows Server local users on 10 machines and give them Admin permissions. I’ve found that I’d rather automate and be effective. I prefer to spend 10 minutes writing a script and 10 minutes running it rather than spending 30 minutes for manual job. This small …

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Azure File Sync: Synchronize files with your own schedule https://www.kondaurov.me/2021/azure-file-sync-run-with-your-own-schedule/ https://www.kondaurov.me/2021/azure-file-sync-run-with-your-own-schedule/#respond Thu, 01 Jul 2021 09:30:55 +0000 https://www.kondaurov.me/?p=378 When I was implementing Azure Storage File Sync solution, I found that it worked pretty quick with the files to be uploaded from a server to the cloud storage. The reason for it is the agent installed on the server that checks for file changes. Unfortunately, when a file needs to be …

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Install PS 5.1 and Az PowerShell to Windows Server 2008R2 https://www.kondaurov.me/2021/install-ps-5-1-and-az-powershell-to-windows-server-2008r2/ https://www.kondaurov.me/2021/install-ps-5-1-and-az-powershell-to-windows-server-2008r2/#respond Sat, 12 Jun 2021 10:36:46 +0000 https://www.kondaurov.me/?p=351 Once I got a task that required PowerShell Az modules to be installed on a Windows Server 2008 R2 box. Azure PowerShell modules update quite often and I wasn’t sure if that will work at all. I found on MS Docs site that there is a need to install at least PowerShell …

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Azure Cost Savings https://www.kondaurov.me/2021/azure-cost-savings/ https://www.kondaurov.me/2021/azure-cost-savings/#respond Mon, 07 Jun 2021 00:10:54 +0000 https://www.kondaurov.me/?p=87 This article guides you with the options you have for savings with Azure. There are some for different size environments and goals.

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Send test email with PowerShell https://www.kondaurov.me/2021/send-test-email-powershell/ https://www.kondaurov.me/2021/send-test-email-powershell/#respond Fri, 21 May 2021 10:09:01 +0000 https://www.kondaurov.me/?p=285 It is a quite common situation. when you need to send an email from a PowerShell script that contains a status report or another kind of data. Nevertheless, before you can send a normal email you would like to run a quick test to confirm that you can send email from this …

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