PowerShell, Office 365, Azure and automation
One admin's notes


My name is Konstantin Kondaurov. I live in Australia and work as IT consultant. I started working in IT industry in year 2000, for now it is more than 22 years. Because of long years of working experience and thanks for 11 years of academic education, I have solid knowledge about computer systems and how they connected to each other. That made troubleshooting one of my best skills. 

I started my journey to the Cloud from Microsoft Office 365. Azure AD is an integral part of it and it was easy and exciting. Later, I started working with Azure Classic, Azure RM and so on… There are a lot of services in Azure now. This is so interesting, how many possibilities available to make all these systems work together for us. I was doing lot of Automation before and switched to DevSecOps now. Agile methodology is a big help here, step by step from an idea to implementation. One solution a few years ago saves more than 600 human hours per year. By the way, it is still working.

Computers were my passion since childhood. I like study, like new technologies, like helping people and share knowledge. There is where I find myself and enjoy doing every day.

You can contact me in Twitter or LinkedIn if there s a question you want to ask or you want to know when I publish something new.