I love dad jokes and I love computers too. I am sure we can enjoy both.
Here you can find a collection of my favourite dad jokes about computers and IT people.
When does a joke become a dad joke? .. When the punchline becomes apparent.
IT jokes
Why restaurants do not open data centers? .. Because they haven’t enough servers.
What is an astronautes’s favourite computer key? The space bar.
Have you heard of that new band “1023 Megabytes”? .. They’re pretty good, but they don’t have a gig just yet.
Why did the computer take its shoes off and put them back on? .. Because it needed to re-boot.
Dev jokes
Why developers like dark screen mode? .. Because light attract bugs.
Why did the functions stop calling each other? Because they had constant arguments.
What is the object-oriented way to become wealthy? Inheritance.
Why bachelors don’t like Git? Because they are afraid to commit.
How JavaScript call his son? JSON!
How many developers does it take to change a light bulb? None. It is a hardware issue.
Why parents don’t teach their kids about regular expressions? Because they don’t want them playing with matches.
Why do Java developers wear glasses? Because they don’t C# (see sharp).
A programmer was arrested for writing unreadable code. They refused to comment.
What did the psychic say to developers? I see dev people.
A programmer is going to the store. His wife says “get a loaf of bread, and if they have eggs, get a dozen.” The guy comes back with 12 loaves of bread. His wife says “why did you get so much bread?” He says, “they had eggs.”
Sysadmin and DevOps jokes
What do you call a wood pile in a datacenter? .. Server Logs!
How does a sysadmin keep a fire going? They rotate the logs.
Why are keyboards always working so hard? Because they have two shifts.
Why do vampires use Linux? .. Because they don’t like Windows in their house.
Why did the computer go to the dentist? .. To get his Bluetooth checked.
Why is it so hard to find DevOps professionals on Mars? .. There’s no Terraform there yet.
Why did a DevOps Engineer join the army? .. Because they wanted to get deployed/
How many sysadmins does it take to change a lightbulb? .. One, but he will just hand out flashlights and go back to bed. He’ll fix it in the morning.
Everyone has a test environment; some are lucky enough to have a production environment too.
How do you tell if your sysadmin is an extrovert? .. He stares at your shoes rather than his own.
A network engineer was shipwrecked on an island with very few supplies. Taking an inventory, he tallied a pocketknife, a granola bar, and a scrap of fiber. He laughed, buried the fiber, put the knife in his pocket, then sat down and ate the granola bar. .. Half an hour later, a backhoe showed up to dig up the fiber and he was rescued.
Why aren’t there any Sys admins in the office at 7:30 am? .. None of them can stay up that late.
Where do sysadmins go when they die? .. To the cloud
Data specialists jokes
A SQL query walks into a bar, walks up to two tables, and asks, “Can I join you?”
Why are machine learning models so fit? Because they do weight training.
Where do computers keep their money? In a data bank.
What did the data analyst say when they were asked if they wanted to go to lunch? “I can’t, I’m still processing.”
Why do data analysts love hiking? Because they love mapping out the data trail.
How does a data analyst celebrate a birthday? .. With a pie chart, of course!
What do you call a group of data analysts dancing? .. A statistical function.
Why did the Python data scientist get arrested at customs? .. She was caught trying to import pandas!
How did the Data Scientist get his girlfriend to become an attractive model? .. By training her.
Why don’t AIs play hide and seek? .. Because good luck hiding from a machine with perfect recall.
Why did the AI fail its driving test? .. It couldn’t handle the “real-world” data.