PowerShell, Office 365, Azure and automation
How to run the same action for multiple repositories in Azure Dev Ops using pipeline

How to run the same action for multiple repositories in Azure Dev Ops using pipeline

Sometimes there is a need for a Dev Ops to run the same activity for a bunch of repositories. You can always have a script to go through folders (repos) but checkout them manually is not a pleasant job. Moreover, it may need some tasks to be done with a pipeline plugin, but pipelines are usually for only 1 repo. Luckily, there is a way to run a pipeline for more that 1 repository and execute exactly the same tasks in parallel.

To do that, there is an interesting feature with Azure Dev Ops YAML pipelines strategy: matrix. As documentation explaines, it generates copies of a job, each with different input. The only thing to worry about is to supply job details to the task. In my case it is a Sonarqube scan.

To deal with that, a special template variable was added that refer to a yaml file that has a list of inputs.

The list example:

- name: reposToScan
  value: >
          repoURL: "https://dev.azure.com/companyname/projectname/_git/repo1",
          scanDirectory: "source"
          repoURL: "https://dev.azure.com/companyname/projectname/_git/repo2",
          scanDirectory: "code"

The pipeline example:

trigger: none

- template: repositories_list.yaml

- job: sonarqubeScan
    matrix: $[ variables.reposToScan ]
  - checkout: self
     clean: true
  - task: SonarQubePrepare@5
      SonarQube: ${{ parameters.sonarqubeService }}
      scannerMode: 'CLI'
      configMode: 'file'
      configFile: 'sonar.properties'
  - task: SonarQubeAnalyze@5
  - task: SonarQubePublish@5

Please take to account that it is just an example to illustrate how the strategy: matrix feature can be used. I can’t guarantee that all the spaces are accurate here as editor is not that convinient as IDE.

The pipeline works well for me and I hope you can use it too where that suits.

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